Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, I don't have a lot to report on these days. Pretty much the "same old same old" going on around here! And yet, there's always SOMETHING going on, isn't there?!

17 days ago I fell and sprained my ankle rather badly. I thought for sure it was a break, so off to the hospital I went, in style, by ambulance! When I arrived there, there was my wonderful hubby waiting for me! I told him not to worry about it, and he could just go back to work and I'd call someone when I needed a ride home. But he insisted he wasn't going anywhere! He sat and held my hand through the waiting and the hurting! He has proceeded to take excellent care of me ever since! He really kicked into high gear for me when I really needed it! Guess if there's any "good" time to injure myself, then it's at this time of year!! I'm now getting around pretty well, and have just started driving again, but he's still hanging in there and putting up with me, and helping me whenever it's needed! I just love him!!!!

Hmmm... what else is new???

Well, my father is recovering VERY well. It's been 2 months since his double by-pass open heart surgery. He's dropped nearly 20 pounds and is feeling terrific. He's still tiring out easily, but he's really doing very well. He walks a lot, and if the weather is poor outside, he heads of to the gym (he's actually had a membership there about 6 years or so now) and hits the treadmill! Looking back at how serious all of this has been, I've really come to the conclusion that the little stuff is SO NOT WORTH getting worked up about! I even told him that the other day! The little things that would normally get us all in a dither and scrappin' with each other, well, they just aren't that important, so why are we wasting our time or energy on them, right? Anyway! It felt good to be able to be open with him. It's still not a "natural" thing, but I am not willing to stay "distant" like we've been in the past, so this is a start! And yes, I'm still trying to make sure I give him a hug & tell him I love him as often as I see him! Another thing that doesn't come naturally, but I'm really working on it, and I think it's going to really pay off!

We're into the thick of things with Christmas only 2 weeks away now. It's very exciting, especially when you have little kids around! I love how much fun they have. Evan has a Santa hat that he wants to wear all the time. Noah & Courtney are constantly making their Santa lists. But the best part of it all is hearing my little Evan, at 4 years old, telling me that he knows the real reason we have Christmas! "It's all because of Jesus' birthday, Mom!" Makes my heart sing! (Just one more reason why I love our kids' Christian school!!)

Justin started indoor soccer last night. He had a lot of fun, but sure was tired this morning! He and one of his best buddies are on a team together, so that makes it even more fun! Courtney is still doing ballet lessons, every second Saturday for 3 hour lessons. She loves it, but I'm finding it to be very difficult to keep her practicing. 2 weeks between lessons is a long time! But we're doing our best to make sure she keeps on it.

Noah insists he hates school, but you should see him. He gets home from school and right away grabs a pen/pencil and paper and starts writing... constantly asking how to spell different words so that he can make a list or write a story or make a special "card" for someone! Then he will walk around asking people, "how much does this-plus-this equal?" His favourite thing lately is asking me to make him word searches! The other day he was at Grandma's and she got out some little books and by the end of the afternoon he was reading them to us! I'd be interested to see how he was if he loved school!!!!! hehehe!!!!

Well, I should be off to wrap a few presents and pick up the kids from school. But for now...

Merry Christmas and God bless you all!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Health, or lack thereof?!?!?!

So, as I sit at the computer to do bookwork today, I can't get over the fact that there's no ambition or energy coming from me whatsoever!

Over the last number of years, I've had many doctors appointments, physicals, blood tests, etc. I've taken vitamins - even prenatal ones, when I'm not preggers! I get a good 8 hours sleep pretty much every night. My diet is not fantastic, but I eat my veggies and try to watch my portion sizes, etc. I even went to a gym for a year and GAINED weight, and stayed just as tired!

So, you tell me!!!! What on earth am I doing wrong? Why do I never feel like doing ANYTHING?!?! I look around at all there is to do, and I feel so tired and lazy that it's not funny! I've asked people all over the place for tips or ideas... I'm not finding any that are working! So, I'm up for any new ideas... As long as they're not too far "out there" or expensive, I'm getting close to being ready to try anything!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hello again. This has been quite the couple of weeks we've just had around here. Never mind the normal busyness of life, but we've had a lot of things added in there to keep us hopping!

On October 7th, Rob & I were married for 13 years! It's just wonderful, because we both agree that things are WAY better than they were 13 years ago, and we have so much more to look forward to!!! We love each other so much that I still feel like a giddy little school girl with him sometimes!!! He makes my heart pound harder, and my skin tingle when he touches me (get your mind out of the gutter, Michelle! LOL). I just love him so much, and I just never imagined loving anyone like this was possible! God has truly blessed me with a fantastic man!

So, because it was our anniversary, we went away to Toronto overnight. We stayed at a not-so-great hotel, but at least it was clean and centrally located to everything we needed to be near. We ate at Jack Astor's, and sat on the "patio" and watched so many interesting people walking by. We had a fabulous waiter, who made the dinner that much more fun! We retired early and were asleep before 10pm! We were just plain exhausted! Then the next day we went and did a little bit of shopping and then went to see "Dirty Dancing" at the Royal Alex theatre. It was fantastic! We had 3rd row seats, which I dare say is too close, but it was great none-the-less! The dancers and the music... everything was so great!

Now, this sounds like a couple of great days, right? Well, to top it all off, the day of our anniversary was not just about going to Toronto. It was also about my father.

On Tuesday, October 7, 2008, my father, 64 years old, had open heart surgery. He went for an angiogram on the 6th and they had a cancellation, so they kept him there for surgery the next day. This was all very sudden, so none of us was expecting any of this to happen. I was really bothered by it. I couldn't figure out what was going on inside of me. I was scared, and yet I knew God was in control and He tells me not to fear. But after having a good cry, and doing some thinking, I realized what was really going on.

Do you ever hold on to grudges? I didn't think that this was me. But then I realized that in a way, that's exactly what I've been doing, for SO many years. I've been holding on to bitterness and disappointments and unfulfilled expectations concerning my Dad. When he left for Kitchener on Sunday, I fully expected him to be brought home Monday and everything would be fine. To realize that he was not going to be coming home before his surgery, it sent me into a frenzy. All I could think of was how wrong it was for me, all these years, to hold on to the past and not get on with living in "the now"! How long had it been since I'd told Dad I loved him? How long since I'd heard those words from him? How long since I'd hugged him, just because??? I didn't have an answer to those questions. It had been so long, that I literally could not pinpoint when it had last happened. And that really bothered me. It really bothered me, because as much as I know that God is in control, God's plans don't always line up with ours, and we didn't REALLY know what was going to happen on that operating table.

So, Tuesday morning comes along. We're on the road to Toronto, with stops here and there to make. My brother, Ian, and sister, Shannon, went with Mum to the hospital for the day. I was really bothered because I wasn't going to talk to him before this surgery, and then Ian sent me a text giving me the hospital number and room number for me to call if I wanted. But you know, I almost didn't. I didn't want to fall apart on the phone. I didn't want to upset him before the surgery, because he had enough on his mind (and my sister was probably a basket case already, so he didn't need to hear me fall apart, too!).

Then it hit me. If I did NOT call, and he did NOT make it... how horrible would that be? So, I called. Am I ever glad I did. I got to tell him I loved him. I got to tell him I'd be praying for him. I just plain got to talk to him. And if, by some horrible happenstance he went to live with Jesus, I'd be okay, because we'd said what really needed to be said.

Since the operation, I've done a lot of thinking. I've seen Dad every day since he came home. I've hugged him every day, sometimes more than once! I've told him that I love him, more times in this past week than I have in years and years combined.

You see, it doesn't matter that my childhood wasn't perfect. It doesn't matter. As an adult I have to reflect and see what good there really was. There were a lot of rough times between myself and my folks, but there's an awful lot of good stuff that came from those days, too. I think sometimes that we need to concentrate on that stuff, instead of always the bad. It's way too easy to get caught up in the bad.

So, what are some good things from my childhood???

1. My mother was a stay-at-home-mom. This meant she was always there to get us up and off to school, always there when we got home, always had supper on the table for us, always had our things organized for us, and was always there to love us.
2. My Mum & Dad taught us about the Lord. Taught us how to obey Him, love him, rely on him, worship him, and be strong through him.
3. My Dad worked from home, which we quite often saw as a pain in the neck, because of the odd hours and having to be quiet all the time, etc., etc., etc., but he also proved that we were his number one priority, and that's why he worked so hard and so much... to provide for us. And he proved how hard work pays off, as now he has built a very successful business that has provided very well for he and my Mum and for all of us kids, too!
4. Every summer my parents paid for me to go to summer camp. They never told me I couldn't go because it was too much money. They never withheld that from me. And some of my most wonderful memories from growing up, took place at summer camp!

Okay, that's only 4 things, and when I really think about it all, I realize there really are a lot of wonderful things that came from my childhood, and most were a direct result of what my parents gave to me or taught me. And I'm so thankful for that, and for them.

So, I titled this post "Reflections"... I guess I'd just like to encourage everyone to spend time in reflection, but also to encourage each of you to move on and make today, and each coming day, better than the one before. Tell your loved ones that you really do love them. Don't hold it back. Don't hold on to the small details of things that have gone wrong in your life. Grab on to the big, wonderful blessings and miracles that happen every day around you.

My Mum & Dad are 2 of my most wonderful blessings. Also, my husband & children. But also, my siblings & their families, and my dear, wonderful friends - some that I've had forever, some new ones, and some that I've been blessed with the opportunity of reconnecting with after years of being apart! The Lord has blessed me. He has also blessed each and every one of you. I pray that you'll look for those blessings every day and be thankful to God for giving you so much to be thankful for!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Old friends...

You know, old friends have been proving to be some of the most wonderful contacts I've had in a long time!

I have many wonderful people around me every day. And I know that! And I love them! And I'm thankful for them! But sometimes I feel like people can get a little sick of me, too!!!!

Then along comes an old friend, from WAY back!!! And what does she do? She listens, she laughs, she jokes, she confides, she supports, etc., etc., etc.!!!!! Yes, Michelle, I mean you! It's been a wonderful thing to be able to re-connect with you after so many years!

I've had many people tell me that they think "facebook" is really just trash and a waste of time. But let me tell you, folks, that this is not always the case!!!!! I have re-connected with some very special people! And what a great way to keep in touch and up to date on life outside of your own 4 walls!

Through facebook, I've met up with Michelle. Michelle and I went to school in grade 1 & 2 together! Yep, that's it! But you know, when we found each other on f/b, it was like we were never separated! Hard to believe, I know! But true, nonetheless! We talk almost every day (yes, I'm online that much!!! lol)!!! We've shared some really interesting conversations and have confided deep feelings to each other, too!

Now there's only one problem..... getting together in person!!! So, now that I've found my dear old friend, we're in the planning stage for a face-to-face meeting! And I can't wait!

p.s. ... I'd just like to say that because I have referred to Michelle, and others, as "old" friends... WE'RE NOT OLD!!!!!!!! ;-) LOL!

And so it goes...

The last post was fairly negative, wasn't it?

Well... some days life just feels like it's ganging up on you, doesn't it? That was one of those days, believe me!

But it's fantastic how life turns around without any warning. When we only look at the negative, things inevitably get worse. But when we choose to find the good in things and concentrate on the love that is surrounding us, things can only seem brighter.

We don't always live that way, though, do we? I mean, sometimes things just get ugly. You wake up in the morning and things start going so wrong that you wish you could just go back to your bed and curl up under the covers, and just stay there all day! I know all about it! After all, it's a common occurance around my house to wake up to fighting children, and kids not doing as they're told!

Or what about the days where life seems to be going along wonderfully and then someone snaps or pulls a really dumb stunt on you and all of a sudden, just like that, things start rolling downhill again!

So, I guess we really need to look at how to react to all of these "crummy" things, in order to stay as far away from the bad days as possible, right? How do we do this, though? Because some days it just feels like there's nothing that could possible go right or get any better!

Well, I've learned over the years that the first and best and most effective way to deal with it is to... PRAY ABOUT IT! I mean really, our best defense, offense and everything in between, should really start with our most powerful tool - prayer! After all, God IS on our side! So when it all starts to go crazy, just stop and pray!!!! I have found, from experience, that when we use prayer as our last resort, that's just what it feels like - a last resort because everything is so awful! But when we turn it around and use it as our first, and most powerful weapon, it'll help fight off that bad stuff, or at least help us to deal with it in a more Christian-like manner!

No, life won't be all roses and sweetness, just because we pray! Don't ever let anyone tell you that! But it is SO much more bearable when we keep Christ right beside us and stay in constant communication with Him! After all, He IS our best friend, who only wants the best for us!

So, tonight, while I sit here watching my kids argue and misbehave and avoid homework and chores, etc., etc., etc., I am telling myself that before I "flip out" and freak on them for driving me crazy, I must stop and ask for God's help so I can be patient and kind and show love instead of the pure frustration that I am currently feeling!!!!!!!

Through God, ALL things are possible - even me being patient!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Sometimes life is just stupid.

I don't really know that there's a lot more than that to say right now.

Sometimes life is just STUPID!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Listening... or not!

So, what's the deal with kids' ears?

And yes, I'm sure my parents asked themselves these same questions!

I am constantly trying to figure out why my kids don't listen to me. I ask them to do something and it goes in one ear and out the other.

Case in point. As I sit here typing, Justin is laying on the floor "playing" with our cat. I asked him 3 times to find something quiet to do until bed time. The 4th time I had to hollar. He says, "sorry." Umm, ya, I doubt that. THEN... as he's "playing" with the cat, I watch him letting the cat bite him. Now you might think, "let him! He'll learn how much it hurts!" Ahh, if only this were true. He constantly lets the cat bite him. He knows that by continually allowing this behaviour, the cat also likes to bite and attack the little boys, too. How does he know this? Oh, probably because I tell him EVERY day! So, it takes me another 3 tries tonight to get him to stop. Great listening skills.

Then there's the bathroom routine. In my house, you're expected to flush after you go. Then you are required (no choice) to put both the seat and the lid down. Then you are ABSOLUTELY required to wash your hands WITH soap & water. Hmmmm... I'd say I probably ask if all this has been done about 20 times a day (which isn't hard with 4 kids in the house!). But, what I can't figure out is why this needs to be enforced still, especially to my 9 and 10 year olds! I mean, seriously, they've been told MANY times about the germs they're harbouring when they go to the bathroom and DON'T wash their hands! And after being told so many times a day, for so many years, do you not think that they'd start to understand the importance of it all???? More great listening skills.

But you know, then I look in the mirror. And ya, this is hard. First of all, 'cause I don't like my reflection, but also because I really see that my children do learn a lot from me and my actions, don't they?!

What are some of the rules around here? How about, "only 1 hour on the computer, per child, per day." Hmmm... wonder how much time Mommy spends on it!?! Or how about, "too much junk food isn't good for you." Again, hmmm... wonder if Mommy's got any chocolate stashed anywhere for those "need it" kinda moments?!

Then there are the times when I just don't feel like listening to anyone. The other morning I was tired of the kids' and their constant bickering and fighting, so I got up and left the house. Yep, I got out of my chair, and walked out of the house, without even a pair of shoes on. When Rob asked me where the children were and what they were doing, I answered with a very honest, "in the house, and I don't know what they're doing!" He asked me if we should check on them and I said, "NO!" I just did not want to listen to it. So it gets me thinking about how much I do that when I'm actually IN the house???

How many times has Evan asked me for a drink and I've answered him with, "in a minute," over and over again?! Or what about when Noah really wants to read his book about snakes and I just keep doing what I'm doing without answering? Of course, that COULD be because I really don't enjoy reading and learning about snakes AT ALL!!!

But how much don't we listen when we're talked to? They are following quite innocently in our footsteps, I suppose. Not that this is enough of an excuse to let them off the hook all the time, but it sure makes me think that I need to re-evaluate my listening skills, too!

Some good listening skills must be in existence, though, right? Wait for it... wait for it... I'm thinking... ;-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A couple of months ago, a little black kitty showed up in Rob's workshop and fell in love with Rob's workbench. It decided that Rob's briefcase was one of the most comfortable things to sleep in (yes, I said "in"!). Rob & the boys (workers) decided since he was so black and he was taking up residence in the shop, his name should be "Oil". I didn't like that, but they continued to call him that, and Rob convinced Evan & Noah that this was a good name for him, too! Since nobody could really agree on a name that everyone liked, I just called him "Kitty". He was to be an outdoor-only kind of cat - I already have a dog & cat who live in the house and I'm allergic to both, so it's not a good idea to add in another cat! Of course, Rob kept giving me the guilt trip about how the poor thing would be too cold outside all by himself in the winter time, so he'd have to come inside! I kept saying, "I'll see what happens when winter arrives!"

A few weeks after Kitty arrived, I told Rob I didn't like how skinny he was, and that I didn't want a sick kitty around, especially with kids around. So, I took him to the vet. The vet said he probably had worms, so she gave him a pill to take care of that and then gave him his shots so he was all up to date. She also figured he was about a year old, so still just a kitten, really.

After our visit to the vet, he seemed to perk up a bit. He had a great appetite! We couldn't keep enough food in his dish! And he was a great hunter. He caught and ate mice and even a morning dove! (Absolutely gross, if you ask me!!!!)

Kitty seemed to be tired a lot, though. He'd lay around most of the time. But when you'd "visit" him, he was so friendly. He purred a lot, and he'd rub against your leg and let you pet him and he always tried to come into the house for a visit, too! Poor thing! Mean old me! I never let him in!!! LOL!

On Saturday, Kitty seemed to look a little more tired out than normal. We even saw him throw up a little bit. We just thought maybe he was warm, because Saturday was a pretty hot day. Then Sunday, Justin came running to me to go look at the cat. Poor thing had NO energy and his eyes were all runny and watery. I went inside and started to call the vets. I called ours first, and then proceeded to call every other vet in our area. None of them had emergency capabilities, and I would have had to take him to Brantford, for goodness sake. Well, we had company coming over, so none of that was an option. We prayed he would just make it through the night and then we'd take him to the vet first thing in the morning.

Monday morning came. Kitty was no where to be found. We searched and searched and searched. We'd leave it for a while and go back to the search. But no luck. Until around 1:30 in the afternoon, when Justin came yelling, "Kitty's back! Kitty's back!" So, I had him get the cat into the cat carrier as quick as possible (because he looked 100% worse than he did on Sunday). I took the kids to my mother's and then took the cat to the vet. They took a blood sample and tested it for a couple of really bad diseases, in hopes that if he didn't have one of them, that they could keep him overnight and pump the fluids and antibiotics into him and he'd start getting better.

The vet sent me home and told me she'd call me by 5pm. When she called, she told us the bad news. Kitty had feline leukemia. There was no hope for the wee thing, so he had to be put to sleep. It's crazy how we only had Kitty for a few months and he'd already won all of our hearts.

Noah just melted in my arms when I told him. I haven't heard him cry like that in a long time. It was such a sincere, painful cry. The poor wee soul. (Ya, I sound like my Nan when I say that!) Then there was Justin, who tried to be a tough guy and hold it all in. Till I told him he didn't have to be strong in front of me. Then he fell apart. He loves animals. Especially cats. He dotes on the cats all the time. He really took to "Oil" right from the start. Then there's Courtney, who's such a girl - she's just like her mother! She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed some more! Evan didn't get it. When I asked him if he understood why the other kids were so upset, he told me some 3 year old version of what he understood the rest of them to be saying. He asked me when Oil was going to come home from the doctor. When I explained it to him, that Oil was never going to come home, he had the most lost and despaired look on his face. He didn't cry, but his eyes were watery and his face was so sad.

Rob went to the vet office to pick up Kitty and bring him home to bury him. Then he wrote the name(s) on a cross that we'd had for our other cat that died a while back, and stuck it at the grave. Rob loves animals, too. It was harder on him than I think he wanted to let on, too! But he was strong for all of us. When Noah realized that the cat was in the hole, he broke down again, sobbing uncontrollably and clinging to me so tightly. Watching Noah like that brought a tear to Rob's eye.

So, we are now back to having 2 creatures in the family. Caspurr, our pure white house cat, and Pauley, our loving & great dog! We've had Caspurr just over a year. We've had Pauley about 8 years. I don't know what we'll do when she goes... if we were this upset over a cat we had for a couple of months, imagine a dog we've had for this many years!

Pets are pretty special.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Don't you just love to eat? I do. I think I love it a little too much, to be honest!!! But when you find something yummy, it's just so hard to walk away!!!!!

So, what's your favourite food???

Are you an emotional eater, or are you fairly in control of your sweet tooth?!!

Is there a certain food that you feel should be banned from consumption (you know, like lima beans or some sort of other horrible thing?!?!?! LOL)?????

My favourite food list is way too long. I love chocolate. But if you put chocolate and peanut butter together, I love it even more! And if you put both of those into an ice cream, I'm just absolutely in Heaven!!!!! But I love chips, too. Miss Vicky's Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar - YUMMY!!!! And how about Chinese food?? I just LOVE Chinese food! I'm also a lover of shrimp, lobster, crab and have even tried a little bit of sushi (although, the sushi I can take or leave).

I'm a total emotional eater. When I'm upset, bring on the chocolate. When I'm bored, bring on the chips. It's definitely something I need to work on!

So... what do you love/hate??? Please share!!!

New Light...

You know, it's funny how things work sometimes! Just when I've had questions, a wise and wonderful uncle comes along and just happens to explain a lot to me, and shed new light on the subject!!! Thanks!!!! I always knew you were pretty special!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Family

This is my beautiful family. Of course, I'm behind the camera, but that's ok!!!

From Left to Right: Courtney - 9 years old; Rob - my "love of a lifetime"; Evan - 4 years old; Justin - 10.5 years old; and my Noah-bear - 6 years old!

This picture was taken at the Bird Emporium in Niagara Falls. It was a fun day out that we spent with the ENTIRE Cooper family while Martyn & his family were home from B.C. this summer!


You know, growing up in the Salvation Army, my world was pretty sheltered. My parents did a very good job of sheltering me, I think! When I was younger, it seemed the only times we really did anything outside of school hours, it was at the church! Jr. Soldiers/Corps Cadets, Singing Company, Timbrels, Jr. Band, church, Sunday school, camp... There was always something to do there, and if there wasn't, I quite often ended up in Hamilton at church and youth group with Christine!

Being somewhat sheltered has been interesting, since leaving home several years ago to go to university and then getting married and involved with a whole new set of people, "outside of the Army". I've had my eyes opened many times, and yet some of it still can catch me off guard.

For those of you who aren't "Army", you may not fully understand where I'm coming from, but I ask you to understand that none of what I'm writing here is in "judgement" of others, it's just a few of my feelings and questions put to "paper"!

So, I titled this "blog" "QUESTIONS...":

What is the attraction of alcohol? How does it feel when you drink it? How does it feel when you're drinking too much? How does it feel AFTER you've had too much? How do you feel about it AFTER you've had too much?

I have never had any alcohol or cigarettes or drugs. I have absolutely no desire to have any of it, either. But I know a lot of people who do drink, etc., and I can't help but wonder about those questions I just noted above! When I go out, I can have a good time - as good a time as anyone else - so I am just SO curious about why people like to drink? Because it can really make people act silly (sometimes more than just silly!!) and do strange things. So then, the next day, or after you've sobered up, doesn't it bother you that you've acted this way? And what about the hangovers? I've heard people say, "oh, I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night!" because of how horrible they feel the next morning! But then they go and do it again, like it didn't really matter.

Ok, so I feel the need to clarify again... I'm not judging. I just don't know. So, I don't understand. And when I have friends/family who are around me and feel the "need" to drink, I feel the desire to understand it better.

I understand that "we all sin and fall short of the glory of God". I have many things in my life that are not right with God, although I do work on it, daily, trying to better myself for Him. So, how does God look at the drinking and the overindulgence of getting drunk? I guess it's no worse than my overeating and mis-treating my body that way, maybe? Or is it?

I have no desire to drink or smoke or do drugs. I'm thankful for this. I believe this is a gift that the Lord has given me. I have a very addictive personality, and I just know that if I were to ever start drinking, I'd probably become an alcoholic, or abuse the substance beyond what ever should be done. I believe that growing up in a very strict family, that being afraid of what my parents would do if they ever found out I'd been drinking, probably scared me away from doing any of it! Add in that I spent so much time at church hearing about how it was unnecessary, and being involved in church activities that I didn't have time for the parties or trouble! I believe this was God's way of keeping me away from it! And I've NEVER even felt an ounce of desire towards having a drink! I've called it will power before, but I don't really believe that's got anything to do with it! It's all about God power, not will power!!!!!! :-)

Anyway, I don't know that anyone can really shed any light on any of this for me, but it's just something that's on my heart right now and rolling around in my brain, and I just felt the need to "air it out" somewhere!

Again, please keep in mind that there's no judgement here. I have friends who drink and friends who don't drink. Friends who smoke and friends who don't smoke. I love you all, whether you partake in these habits or not. I don't feel I'm any better because I don't partake in it! How could I when I have such a strong vice as chocolate?!?!?! I just am very curious, is all. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

God bless!

Where We're At...

Well, we're 10 days from school starting up for the 2007/08 season! Does anyone else think that the time has absolutely flown by?! I can't believe how fast this summer has gone. I'm so thankful to finally have a dry and hot week. It's been such a wet summer - which is great for Rob's business, but not necessarily wonderful when you have 4 kids stuck in the house because everything's too wet and muddy!

Evan starts school this year. He's my baby. He'll be 4 on September 16. He'll be joining the JK/SK class, and couldn't be more thrilled about it. It's 3 days a week. What will I do with 3 days a week to myself?!?! lol ... I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find SOMETHING! ;-)

Noah starts grade 1 this September. He'll be 6 on September 30. This will be a big adjustment for him, having to go every day. But I think he's going to do just fine! He's starting to get excited about spelling and numbers and he absolutely loves to draw and colour and be creative!

Courtney will be in grade 4 this year. Already! My baby girl is practically half done her grade school experience! It pretty much seems impossible! She loves school, though. Although, I'm pretty sure her love of it stems from her love of being a social butterfly! She really misses her friends over the summer holidays. She has a best friend, Erin, that she can't wait to spend every day with again! Courtney has also been involved in ballet for 5 or so years, and absolutely loves music and singing and dancing to it!

Then there's Justin. My oldest. He's 10.5 years old and in Grade 5 this year! He's getting SO tall, and his feet are nearly the same size as mine already! He's a crazy guy, who loves to make people laugh, and he has this creative side to him - his imagination is fantastic! His love is playing with Lego Bionicles and sitting in front of the t.v. and computer! But he quite enjoys soccer, too. He's played for the past 6 summers and is really getting quite good at it!

Rob's business is really going very well. We are in our 4th season of being self-employed. His business is called "Five Points Lawn & Landscape". This year he had 5 employees, but I think next year he'll be downsizing that number a wee bit. He really does like to be at all the jobs personally, instead of leaving others to do the work without him. Of course, nobody will ever do the job as well as he does, right? Therefore, if he's at each job, he can control how well each job gets completed! He really does love his work, though, so it's all worth it.

Then there's me... I took over doing the bookwork for Rob's business, last year. I quite enjoy it, but find it difficult to look after it and 4 kids at the same time. It will be good for me this year to have 3 days a week to get things like that looked after without having to ship my kids to a babysitter or have them running around like animals while I'm trying to get work accomplished

Outside of working at the bookwork, though, I have many other things I enjoy. I love to take pictures. I currently own a Canon Digital SLR Rebel XTi and have 3 lenses and an external flash and a few other toys that I'm absolutely loving playing with! I was doing wedding photography for a couple of years, but that has slowed down considerably. (I do have a friends' wedding that I'll be photographing in 2 weeks from now, though, so I'm quite excited about that!!) I have been trying to get into it a bit more, but am mostly focusing on the fun of it all. I have MANY albums full of pictures, and many more pictures that still need to be scrapbooked!

Which leads to another one of my favourite things to do... scrapbooking! I don't get much time to do it, but I really love it when I DO get the chance. We actually book a day away at our church every couple of months where there are no telephones, children or husbands around, so that we can scrap to our hearts' content! It's great!

I also love to sing. Music is a passion of mine! I may not be good enough to be a professional, but I most certainly can hold my own! And when I'm singing, I feel like I'm a little bit more "complete"! I love country music, but am very fussy about which "sounds" I like, and I get pretty fussy about the language in the songs. There are a lot of catchy tunes out there, but if I can't sing along because there's swearing or inappropriate subject matter, then forget it! And my children need to see my living by that "code" because I fully expect them to be able to make that decision without worrying about what others will say. Standing up for what they believe in, even in what music they choose to listen to, is SO important! ANYWAY! My favourite artist is Paul Brandt. I love his music, his lyrics, and his Christian attitude that is so wonderfully displayed in his music and his lifestyle! I keep telling Rob that I will one day meet him and tell him how much I love his music and message, and tell him how proud I am of him for standing up for what he believes in, even in the music scene!

Okay, I could go on and on about music and Paul Brandt and all of that, but I will wrap that up for now!!! LOL!

So, now you know a little bit more about us.

Monday, August 18, 2008

New to me!

Well, hello, everyone! This is my first time setting up a blog... To be honest, I've even seen very few blogs, so this is all new to me. SO, anyone with any tips or ideas for me to make this better, please DO share!

I think I'll try to just write about things going on in my life and thoughts that I'd like to explore & get feedback on from my friends! I welcome your comments!