Sunday, August 24, 2008


Don't you just love to eat? I do. I think I love it a little too much, to be honest!!! But when you find something yummy, it's just so hard to walk away!!!!!

So, what's your favourite food???

Are you an emotional eater, or are you fairly in control of your sweet tooth?!!

Is there a certain food that you feel should be banned from consumption (you know, like lima beans or some sort of other horrible thing?!?!?! LOL)?????

My favourite food list is way too long. I love chocolate. But if you put chocolate and peanut butter together, I love it even more! And if you put both of those into an ice cream, I'm just absolutely in Heaven!!!!! But I love chips, too. Miss Vicky's Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar - YUMMY!!!! And how about Chinese food?? I just LOVE Chinese food! I'm also a lover of shrimp, lobster, crab and have even tried a little bit of sushi (although, the sushi I can take or leave).

I'm a total emotional eater. When I'm upset, bring on the chocolate. When I'm bored, bring on the chips. It's definitely something I need to work on!

So... what do you love/hate??? Please share!!!

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