Saturday, August 23, 2008


You know, growing up in the Salvation Army, my world was pretty sheltered. My parents did a very good job of sheltering me, I think! When I was younger, it seemed the only times we really did anything outside of school hours, it was at the church! Jr. Soldiers/Corps Cadets, Singing Company, Timbrels, Jr. Band, church, Sunday school, camp... There was always something to do there, and if there wasn't, I quite often ended up in Hamilton at church and youth group with Christine!

Being somewhat sheltered has been interesting, since leaving home several years ago to go to university and then getting married and involved with a whole new set of people, "outside of the Army". I've had my eyes opened many times, and yet some of it still can catch me off guard.

For those of you who aren't "Army", you may not fully understand where I'm coming from, but I ask you to understand that none of what I'm writing here is in "judgement" of others, it's just a few of my feelings and questions put to "paper"!

So, I titled this "blog" "QUESTIONS...":

What is the attraction of alcohol? How does it feel when you drink it? How does it feel when you're drinking too much? How does it feel AFTER you've had too much? How do you feel about it AFTER you've had too much?

I have never had any alcohol or cigarettes or drugs. I have absolutely no desire to have any of it, either. But I know a lot of people who do drink, etc., and I can't help but wonder about those questions I just noted above! When I go out, I can have a good time - as good a time as anyone else - so I am just SO curious about why people like to drink? Because it can really make people act silly (sometimes more than just silly!!) and do strange things. So then, the next day, or after you've sobered up, doesn't it bother you that you've acted this way? And what about the hangovers? I've heard people say, "oh, I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night!" because of how horrible they feel the next morning! But then they go and do it again, like it didn't really matter.

Ok, so I feel the need to clarify again... I'm not judging. I just don't know. So, I don't understand. And when I have friends/family who are around me and feel the "need" to drink, I feel the desire to understand it better.

I understand that "we all sin and fall short of the glory of God". I have many things in my life that are not right with God, although I do work on it, daily, trying to better myself for Him. So, how does God look at the drinking and the overindulgence of getting drunk? I guess it's no worse than my overeating and mis-treating my body that way, maybe? Or is it?

I have no desire to drink or smoke or do drugs. I'm thankful for this. I believe this is a gift that the Lord has given me. I have a very addictive personality, and I just know that if I were to ever start drinking, I'd probably become an alcoholic, or abuse the substance beyond what ever should be done. I believe that growing up in a very strict family, that being afraid of what my parents would do if they ever found out I'd been drinking, probably scared me away from doing any of it! Add in that I spent so much time at church hearing about how it was unnecessary, and being involved in church activities that I didn't have time for the parties or trouble! I believe this was God's way of keeping me away from it! And I've NEVER even felt an ounce of desire towards having a drink! I've called it will power before, but I don't really believe that's got anything to do with it! It's all about God power, not will power!!!!!! :-)

Anyway, I don't know that anyone can really shed any light on any of this for me, but it's just something that's on my heart right now and rolling around in my brain, and I just felt the need to "air it out" somewhere!

Again, please keep in mind that there's no judgement here. I have friends who drink and friends who don't drink. Friends who smoke and friends who don't smoke. I love you all, whether you partake in these habits or not. I don't feel I'm any better because I don't partake in it! How could I when I have such a strong vice as chocolate?!?!?! I just am very curious, is all. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

God bless!

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