Monday, September 22, 2008

Old friends...

You know, old friends have been proving to be some of the most wonderful contacts I've had in a long time!

I have many wonderful people around me every day. And I know that! And I love them! And I'm thankful for them! But sometimes I feel like people can get a little sick of me, too!!!!

Then along comes an old friend, from WAY back!!! And what does she do? She listens, she laughs, she jokes, she confides, she supports, etc., etc., etc.!!!!! Yes, Michelle, I mean you! It's been a wonderful thing to be able to re-connect with you after so many years!

I've had many people tell me that they think "facebook" is really just trash and a waste of time. But let me tell you, folks, that this is not always the case!!!!! I have re-connected with some very special people! And what a great way to keep in touch and up to date on life outside of your own 4 walls!

Through facebook, I've met up with Michelle. Michelle and I went to school in grade 1 & 2 together! Yep, that's it! But you know, when we found each other on f/b, it was like we were never separated! Hard to believe, I know! But true, nonetheless! We talk almost every day (yes, I'm online that much!!! lol)!!! We've shared some really interesting conversations and have confided deep feelings to each other, too!

Now there's only one problem..... getting together in person!!! So, now that I've found my dear old friend, we're in the planning stage for a face-to-face meeting! And I can't wait!

p.s. ... I'd just like to say that because I have referred to Michelle, and others, as "old" friends... WE'RE NOT OLD!!!!!!!! ;-) LOL!


Duchess Mimi said...

TGFF - Thank God for Facebook! LOL Can you believe that it has really been that long Mona?! We were great friends when we were little and it's like someone removed us from the story and then reinstalled us years later! I know by OLD you meant DEAR, right?!! although i have to admit that 36 comes as a bit of a shocker considering I feel like I just turned 30! But to add to what you were saying, I heard the same thing about facebook and I have to say my experience has been the same as yours, reconnecting has been amazing! now we have to make a plan of regular visits! Cheers to Facebook and thank you again for reconnecting us!

Mona Cooper Ouwendyk said...